Saturday, January 31, 2009

Subject to Change?

Women setting themselves up for disappointment??? NO...couldn't be!

Its true though...we all have been guilty of it at least once...mistaking our "daydreams" for reality. Living in what I have come to call it...'La La Land.' Trying to change a situation and/or person into what we desire.

Plain signs lay in front of us and yet we continue to try detours to the same street we were blocked off from. Its disturbing how much pain we will endure just to say in the end you have a broken heart. From whatever the circumstance may be...

Its not ever worth it...and I know Im preaching to the choir.

Subjection to Heartbreak. Its a terible kind of death.

So next time you wanna try that new the pre-cautionary note, before you overdose...on the high.

V A C A T E.

I need a vacation.

Not in the classic sense. As in I've been working for years and need a mental break. More like I need a break from everyone, everybody and everything. Im starting to shut down emotionally. I really don't give a fuck these days and that's not good. I feel like if I get away for like a month to gather myself I can be a contributing member of society. Because at this point Im a nothing ass bitch and that's SO NOT a good look. So with that...Im going to transcribe a list.



Fuck the high.

The high is nothing but an elusive idea. An abstract thought that got fueld by my silly desires to be loved...because I believed I deserved it. Turns out I signed up for a bunch of disappointment. No matter my title or what I call myself...there's forever going to be emotions...forever Im going to be a chapter already written in the book of your life.

Forgive my foolish heart and belief that love is forever. My mistake. It will never, ever, happen again.

We can still be friends though...
